

The holiday season may be the most wonderful time of year, but for business owners like you it can also be the busiest. And that’s great – if you’re prepared. If your usual strategy is to set up your holiday campaign on mobile signs just before Black Friday, you may want to consider revising your approach this year.

Last year, between food, gifts, travel and general shopping, Canadians, on average, spent more than a month’s rent during the holiday season. Each demographic reported overspending. This year, Canadian shoppers are predicted to spend an estimated $1,276 per person. While the urge to spend is still present among all Canadian shoppers, inflation and supply chains are causing a larger percentage of shoppers to start their holiday deal hunting earlier.

The Dentsu Navigator Holiday Shopping report says 42% of shoppers plan to start buying gifts earlier to get a jump on finding better deals. This is early surge has more shoppers planning to spend their holiday shopping budget during October and November.

The report also found 86% of consumers agree that discounts, promotions and sales are more important this year, so getting your best deals printed and displayed on mobile signage is both crucial and time sensitive.

   rent mobile signs 

Do you hear that? It sounds like sleigh bells ringing — but it’s actually cash registers. With more shoppers out hunting for holiday sales and seasonal specials in person, now is the time to ensure your custom-printed interior and exterior promotional signage is leading those savvy shoppers your way.

A custom-printed mobile sign placed prominently at the curb can help your store or service bring in more shoppers, promote merchandise and maximize sales during this holiday season.

mini billboards

Wondering how you can take advantage of this early surge? Check out these holiday signage tips:


It’s never too early to start planning your holiday promotions. The ‘golden quarter of retail’ is officially upon us and people have already started shopping. If you plan to target the holiday shoppers, you’ll want to have your mobile signs printed and set up this month. Fans of Black Friday shopping have reported looking for signs of upcoming deals as early as October.

Not ready? Don’t fret, our team is as quick as they are talented. Once you have your campaign messaging figured out, give us a call. Our graphic designers will transform your idea into an eye-catching advertisement. Running behind? Rely on us to buy you a little more time. Our customized mobile signs can be printed and installed in as little as 48 hours after you provide design approval.

portable sign


Gift shopping can be an intimate experience. People go to great lengths to find the perfect gift. Now that shoppers can once again return to in-store shopping, they’re heading out in droves to search for that something special. Custom-printed mobile signs placed out front can help them know they’ll be able to find just the thing inside your shop.

Be sure your messaging is clear about what you have to offer. The word “unique” is over used, so try to be specific, even if that’s just letting people know what types of products or services you offer.

Try using phrases like:

  • “Find this season’s hottest tech inside.”
  • “Everything you need for the sports lover on your list.”
  • “We’re the next best thing to Santa’s workshop.”

If you’re looking for something more general, “affordable” will always be a good positioning statement. Try using phrases like:

  • “Gifts under $50.”
  • “Gifts under $25.
  • “Save 25% on all toys and games.”

Use language that elicits an emotional response.

  • “Wrap up your holiday shopping – visit us for last-minute gift ideas.”
  • “Show mom who knows her best.”
  • “Need a gift for someone who’s impossible to shop for? We’ve got you covered.”
  • “Forgot about stocking stuffers?”

temporary signs


From holiday parties to seasonal errands, this time of year is known for being busy. Target all those people out and on the move with custom-printed road signs placed prominently in high traffic areas. Have the perfect place? Our roadside signs are mobile, affordable and inexpensive to update should you have a lot of promotional messages to circulate through this season.


People are out on the move more this season than any other time of year. They’re making more trips, covering more ground and visiting more locations – all in addition to driving their familiar routes. This means they’ll see your mobile sign more frequently. Repeated exposure ensures you’re driving your marketing message home, but there’s a limit. When people see an advertisement too many times, they begin to ignore it. They get what’s known as ‘ad fatigue.’ The best way to beat it is to update your advertisements regularly.

Plan for more than one round of messaging over the holiday season to keep viewers interested in what your signage has to say. Who knows – your first deal might not have appealed to them, but your next one might be the deal they’ve been searching for!

Keeping things fresh is easy and affordable when you advertise with our custom-printed mobile signs. Our unique printing process allows us to offer our clients inexpensive updates.

Changes don’t have to be drastic either. You can advertise a new sales deal or simply update the copy to say the same thing in a new way. Use different images or new color schemes – just be sure you’re keeping your signs fresh so customers will keep paying attention to them.

road sign rental


Mobile signs are one of the best ways to boost holiday sales. People are 33% more alert when they’re out on the move, and mobile sign advertising is ideal for grabbing – and keeping – attention. What’s more, 68% of shoppers make purchasing decisions while commuting.

Our custom-printed mobile signs are the perfect way to reach the people who are out there right now looking for your product or service. We hope these tips help you craft a successful and timely holiday campaign this year, and that your business has a very bright holiday season.

If you want help getting a mobile sign into market as soon as possible, reach out to Sign Guru location near you.