
Town of Lewisporte
Bylaws for Portable Signs

Town of Lewisporte Bylaws for Portable Signs

City of Lewisporte Road Sign Bylaws

Portable Signs in Lewisporte

Signmeans a word, letter, model, placard, board, device or representation, whether illuminated or not, in the nature of or employe wholly or in part for the purpose of advertisement, announcement or direction and excludes those things employed wholly as a memorial, advertisements oflocal government, utilities and boarding or similar structures used for the display of advertisements.

  • A valid permit with land owner permission is required.

The above regulations are summarized for the reader’s convenience. The Bylaws are always subject to their interpretation of the regulations in favor of the Town of Lewisporte. The Town may change the signage bylaws at any time. Detailed information may be found on their website.

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