
City of Portage La Prairie
Bylaws for Portable Signs

City of Portage La Prairie Bylaws for Portable Signs

City of Portage La Prairie Road Sign Bylaws

Mobile Signs in Portage La Prairie

Mobile Sign” means a sign which is mounted on a trailer, vehicle, stand or similar support structure which is designed in such a manner that the sign can be readily relocated to another location, and which may include copy that can be changed through the use of removable characters or panels.

  • Valid mobile sign permit required.
  • A mobile sign shall not be located within 3.0 metres measured from the nearest part of any exit, entrance, driveway or corner of property site lines.
  • A mobile sign shall be a minimum distance of 6.0 metres from any other mobile signs at all times
  • Max. Quantity: 1 per site, or a max. of 3 where there are 3 or more uses on the same site.
  • Not to exceed 90 consecutive days on the same site. No mobile sign shall be permitted thereafter until 30 consecutive days has expired.

The above regulations are summarized for the reader’s convenience. The Bylaws are always subject to their interpretation of the regulations in favor of the City of Portage La Prairie. The City may change the signage bylaws at any time. Detailed information may be found on their website.

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